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How do I declare a major or minor?

SPANISH/PORTUGUESE MAJORS: Pick up a Change of Major form from the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Meet with Dr. Fails to get his signature on the Change of Major form. Take signed Change of Major form to major declaration appointment in the Liberal Arts Advisement Center.

OPTION II: Pre-med: automatically verified through the Liberal Arts Advisement Center. Localization cluster: automatically verified through the Liberal Arts Advisement Center. Other Option II: Must obtain a signature from Dr. Fails.

SPANISH STUDIES/PORTUGUESE STUDIES 2ND MAJORS : Pick up a Change of Major form from the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Meet with Dr. Fails to get his signature on the Change of Major form. Take signed Change of Major form to major declaration appointment in the Liberal Arts Advisement Center.

SPANISH TEACHING MAJOR: Pre-declare the Spanish Teaching major in the Liberal Arts Advisement Center. Take FLANG 276 and apply for the major. After the student is officially accepted to the major, they must drop off the Change of Major form signed by a Pedagogy faculty member to Liberal Arts Advisement Center.

SPANISH TRANSLATION MAJOR: Students often declare Spanish Major first (see above). The students must take and pass both the English and the Spanish portions of the Spanish Translation Entrance Exam. After the student passes the exam, they must pick up a Change of Major form from the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. The student will take the form to Dr. Hague for his signature. After the form has been signed, the student will make an appointment in the Liberal Arts Advisement Center. See and SPANISH TRANSLATION-ENGLISH for help studying for the exam.

SPANISH/PORTUGUESE MINORS: Students declare it at the primary major’s advisement center .

SPANISH/PORTUGUESE TEACHING MINORS: Students meet with a Pedagogy faculty member to get their signature of approval. Students declare it at the Liberal Arts Advisement Center front desk.